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Benefits of Outsourcing

Benefit #1: Speeds Up the Payment Process:

Medical Billing Outsourcing drastically reduces the amount of time it takes to collect payments from the insurance companies from 60 to 90 days to just 7 to 21 days. This is possible because electronically filed claims are handled by computers instead of humans who are the ones who ultimately determine whether or not one should be paid. However, when claims are handled by computers there are no people to bog down the process.

Benefit #2: Lower Claims Rejection Rates:

The rejection rate for claims utilizing C & S Medical Billing LLC can reduced drastically. Obviously, claims that are not rejected move through the system more quickly. In addition, claims that in the past were lost or misplaced by the insurance companies and never paid are eliminated altogether. Claims cannot be lost when using electronic medical claims filing for medical billing because they produce an acceptance report from the carrier that ensures receipt

Benefit #3: Frees Your Time:

This benefit is not always quite so obvious to doctors, but is very significant nevertheless: doctors spend as much as one and a half to two hours a day supervising and working on insurance claims. At the very least, physicians have a high-paid staff person working on filing the claims. Our medical billing system can give you more time to either see more patients, and therefore make more money, or spend more time doing what you want to do. This also frees up the time of your staff members, allowing them to make more patient calls and run the office more efficiently.

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